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Schaefer Group Inc.


1777 Washington Crossing
Suite 2141
Washington, Missouri 63090

Phone: 314-602-0657

What is a roof inspection, and why do I need an independent roof consultant?

When should an inspection occur?

What will be discovered?


A comprehensive roof inspection by Schaefer Group actually begins inside speaking with the owner or tenant in order to obtain a history of leaks, repairs, and other pertinent information associated with the building. Schaefer Group then performs an inspection of the underside of the roof at accessible areas to check for damaged roof deck, discolorations, damage, etc….

Following this, Schaefer Group personnel then proceed to the roof area, where each visible component of the roof system is checked for integrity, workmanship, wear, and expected remaining life of each component. These components include the roof slope, roof surface, flashings, counter-flashing, parapet walls and caps or coping, curbs, vent pipes or stacks, drainage patterns, and drain components.

At times, depending upon the circumstances, Schaefer Group may take destructive core samples in order to determine the number of roof systems on a building, the components used for the roof systems, to review compliance with specifications, and to test for presence of moisture and other substances in the components.



With Schaefer Groups’ 70 + years of combined construction experience and knowledge, we then analyze all of the information and produce a written report for our client of our discovery. This report will show existing problems that may be allowing water into the building causing an interior leakage or allowing water to enter into the roof system causing damage, and also areas of concern of future potential problem.

Schaefer Groups’ inspections have revealed areas of improper workmanship, improper material usage, faulty design and improper component use.

Schaefer Group recommends using an independent roof consultant that has no ties to material companies or roofing contractors in order to give a totally independent and unbiased report. Many times, inspections performed by material company representatives or roofing contractors are inadequately biased towards material sales or future contractor work



Our comphrensive reports take into consideration the clients’ needs analysis and expectations. Schaefer Group has been involved in many cases where biased parties have recommended roof replacement when only sometimes simple maintenance is required to prolong the life of the roof.

Furthermore, inspections can be useful at the entire progress of a remodel project or that of a new building so you know and can plan for any issues as they arise.

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