Contact Us Today!

Schaefer Group Inc.


1777 Washington Crossing
Suite 2141
Washington, Missouri 63090

Phone: 314-602-0657

My brand new building has water coming in…

The new roof continues to leak after numerous repair calls.

The materials seem faulty and the system(s) is not even out of warranty.

The material manufacturer refuses to honor their warranty.


The contractor did not install the system(s) as specified.

You have tried repeatedly to get answers calls go unanswered, your frustrated!!!

When all of negotiations have failed and it comes down to a lawsuit you want someone you can trust to represent your concerns and position. Someone who understands that your expectations have not been met, your building may be in danger……………

What do you do?

The first thing is get legal counsel. Secondly you need a legal expert.

Because of the experience and knowledge of Schaefer Group involving matters of the building envelope which includes the many different systems used for roofing, waterproofing, insulation, siding, and brick, our personnel have been retained as an expert witness for both plaintiff and defense attorneys and insurance companies.

Ok let’s talk about why Schaefer Group…….

Your first choice should be a company that is completely un-biased. Meaning, that the objective is to discover the problem and adjust the remediation procedures to the proper parties involved.

Schaefer Group has been involved with numerous cases concerning improper application, faulty and improper workmanship, improper material use, non adherence to building codes, cases regarding building envelope failure and incorrect designs.


With over 70 years of combined experience of installation on a variety of products, and with our continued training, we know the proper application procedures and how material can and should be used. As designers we also know if a system currently in use is the proper system for your building

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Anything is possible to them that believe.