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Schaefer Group Inc.


1777 Washington Crossing
Suite 2141
Washington, Missouri 63090

Phone: 314-602-0657

Help I have water in my basement!



How can we reduce our carbon imprint?

Is a waterproofing system more appropriate for you? Do you have water leakage in your subterranean sections of your building, or want to turn your roof top into an eco-friendly green house?

What is the difference between a roof system and a waterproofing system? While the purpose of every roof system is to keep water out of a building, waterproofing takes it to the next level. A correctly installed waterproofing system does more than just keep water out; it protects your building structure in situations where there can be continuous water pressure exerted against the building components.


Usually a waterproofing system is applied below grade or ground level to foundation walls and below floor slabs. But today, the trend is changing to energy efficient and environmental friendly structures.



Green roofs for example, can be installed on roof areas that serve as promenade or pedestrian surfaces. These green roofs are being installed with a variety of vegetation and can include up to several inches of top soil. This top soil and vegetation can contribute tremendous weight and retain large amounts of water which would destroy an ordinary roof system.


The soil can also affect drainage of roof run-off into sewers, in some locales, only a certain amount of run off is permitted into sewers in a certain amount of time. These types of installation can easily exceed the capabilities of normal roof systems with the weight of water, soil, plants, root systems, pavers, or concrete.



A waterproofing system is not only limited to roof tops though. A waterproofing system can be used for residential or commercial buildings, in tunnels or on basement foundation walls, terraces, decks , etc….. So turn that terrace into a garden, or a putter green.

Schaefer Group knows the materials and systems that would be the most appropriate for you. With our experience and understanding, we discover how each of the elements in a waterproofing system will react with each other to design a system that is functional, long term, cost effective, and above all Waterproof.

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